Astonishing Plant Patterns Bring The Fibonacci Sequence to Life

How patterns in nature and mathematics intersect producing awe for children and adults, alike!

Carol Labuzzetta, MS


succulent showing a spiraling pattern of its leaves
Image by MoneyforCoffee from Pixabay

Today is 11/23. These numbers are the start of the famed Fibonacci Sequence, named for the Italian mathematician who discovered the pattern centuries ago. In the sequence, the next number is found by adding the two previous numbers that came before.

The sequence starts with zero and goes from there infinitely.

The Fibonacci sequence begins with the following 14 integers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 …(

The sequence is also very close to what’s known as the golden ratio (1.618). If you take any two consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, their ratio is very close to the golden ratio. The bigger the numbers, the closer to the golden ratio one gets (

Why is this important? The golden ratio is used in things like architecture and is also found occurring in nature. This is what interested me and my garden club students. How can we see the Fibonacci Sequence in nature?


Many flowers have petals in patterns that are one of the Fibonacci numbers. For example, lilies…



Carol Labuzzetta, MS

I write about the environment, education, nature, and travel. Having two master's degrees, in nursing and environmental education, I am a teacher at heart.