Pi Day Post: Yummy and Informative

Pie. Pi. Pie. Whether you eat it or calculate it, Pi Day remains a fun Pseudo-holiday for students and educators alike!

photo of a tarimisu pie with the mathematical symbol for pie stenciled on the top
Image by Linda Roisum from Pixabay

If you are involved with schools or mathematics at all, you know that today is Pi day. Pi is a number that never ends and for some odd reason, many kids like to memorize as many numbers as they can. Pi Day is celebrated on 3/14 (today) representing the first three numbers of this irrational number (3.14……).

My boys, who always liked mathematics and did well in the subject, could never really be bothered with memorization. However, I do remember my youngest tying in a school-wide competition with another student during his elementary days for being able to recite the most numbers. I think he was in 3rd or 4th grade.

sign of a human brain with the words Thinking Allowed written above it in white on a blue background
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

After that, he just did not want to bother — I think he came to realize there was not much point in just memorizing the numbers, one had to know more about how the number is derived and applied. He has a great memory (some of his teachers have thought it to be photographic), so the memorization wasn’t even much work for him.



Carol Labuzzetta, MS Natural Resources, MS Nursing

Environmental educator with a passion for teaching youth using the science of awe. Traveler, Photographer, Author, Wife, Mother. Boosted Writer x 10