Poetry Friday Is A Community of Writers

Each Friday I spend time writing on my first blog to connect with writers that I’ve known for years

Cerrillos State Park, near Santa Fe, New Mexico. © Carol Labuzzetta, 2024.

It’s been a week!

Last Thursday, I took our cat, Callie, to our son’s in La Crosse, Wisconsin. It’s a three-hour drive from where we live in the Northwoods. He also has a cat and we switch off watching each other’s feline when we travel.

I stayed Thursday and Friday night. Friday, I met a good friend for coffee. It had been a year since we’d seen each other — too long. Sometimes life gets in the way of things you should make time for. Friendship is one of those things. I did some errands that afternoon since I was close to the stores I frequented when we lived in the area.

Saturday, I attended the dance recital of another dear friend’s daughter. I was touched to be asked to attend and again made time to be there. Her daughter is finishing 9th grade and has multiple talents. This might be the end of her dance classes and thus her last recital. Several stories are brewing here that I want to write about but just haven’t had time. I keep the ideas on my phone since that is always with me. Stay tuned.

After enjoying the recital of one hundred or more dancers, I hit the road to go home — another three-hour…



Carol Labuzzetta, MS Natural Resources, MS Nursing

Environmental educator with a passion for teaching youth using the science of awe. Traveler, Photographer, Author, Wife, Mother. Boosted Writer x 10