Puff the Magic Dragon and the Land of Honali? Honahli? Hanalei? Honahlee?

Who remembers the old Peter Paul and Mary song, Puff the Magic Dragon? I do! It was one of my favorite tunes when I was a little girl, not because of the story it tells because it is rather sad, but more so because it was easy to sing along with and conjured up images of friendliness in an otherwise large, scary creature. I mean, what child would not love to have a friendly dragon with whom to play?

If you need to refresh your memory of the song's lyrics, you can listen to Peter Paul and Mary sing the song…



Carol Labuzzetta, MS Natural Resources, MS Nursing

Environmental educator with a passion for teaching youth using the science of awe. Traveler, Photographer, Author, Wife, Mother. Boosted Writer x 10