Slice of Life Tuesday: My One Little Word for 2022
If truth be told, I’m not sure I’m a fan of the One Little Word (OLW) craze. I’ve never been much of a trend follower and this seems like one to me. It’s “fashionable” to pick a word these days, especially if one is part of a writing community. I’ve picked words before. And, usually, they’ve resonated with me throughout the year. Grateful was my word last year, and it certainly held true for me, especially when I hit some tough times like my mom becoming seriously ill or our driveway blowout that occurred twice. It is almost like being able to re-center if you chose your word wisely.
To truly understand my OLW for this year, you need to know more about me. I am an intense person. You can easily see my passion for the things I care about — the environment, my family, educational processes, or any job to which I am assigned or assign myself. I can easily go overboard, trying to do my “best” at things. In other words, I am a perfectionist. This trait, combined with my intensity, can lead to trouble sometimes. Perfectionism is a double-edged sword. It can lead me to be high functioning and motivated or be almost paralyzing as I overthink situations and even conversations — real or imagined.
Therefore, when I chose my OLW for 2022, I wanted a word that would lead me to be more self-accepting, less driven, and more satisfied with a simplified version of life — retirement and empty-nesting. It’s not that I’ve been unsatisfied, it’s just that I need to remind myself that it is okay to not be constantly striving for goals that might be unreachable or elusive, or even, unnecessary.
My One Little Word for 2022 is the adjective, content. Merriam Webster’s online dictionary defines content as satisfied. Synonyms for the word include, happy, gratified, and pleased. I want to remain in this space — a space of contentment in 2022.
It might be more difficult than you think. We have big plans for this year and lots of decision-making to do. Therefore, by choosing the word content, I am reminding myself to be happy.
I hope I chose well. Time will tell.
Today is Slice of Life: Tuesday. This weekly forum is hosted by I thank them for their creativeness and generosity of spirit in continuing to hosts this weekly gathering of educators and writers. I’ve participated since February of 2017.
Originally published at on February 1, 2022.