Travel With Me: Photo Journal of Beautiful Places

Sunday’s photo-only post takes a new turn with context on Medium.

White Sands National Park, New Mexico. © Carol Labuzzetta, 2020

In February 2020, my husband and I traveled to New Mexico to visit Santa Fe. We’ve never been to the Southwest to vacation, and it was a wonderful trip. One of the most memorable parts of the trip was going to White Sands National Park, pictured above. Santa Fe also captured our hearts with its easy walkability and diverse creative arts scene. We plan to go back in the future.

Turret Arch at Moonset. Arches National Park. © Carol Labuzzetta, 2021.

Going to White Sands National Park inspired us to visit more parks. Now that we are empty nesters and retired, we were able to go when the crowds were somewhat less — in mid-October. So last fall, 2021, we traveled to Denver by plane and then drove to several parks in Utah and Arizona. Moab, Utah was our first stop to see Arches National Park. The photo above is from our second day of hiking at Arches. It was just after sunrise. On the first day, we hiked in the dark — starting at 5:30 a.m. — to see the sunrise at Delicate Arch. Arches National Park remains our favorite park today.



Carol Labuzzetta, MS Natural Resources, MS Nursing

Environmental educator with a passion for teaching youth using the science of awe. Traveler, Photographer, Author, Wife, Mother. Boosted Writer x 10